Introduction to Eqlid Sugar Complex

57 year and 7 month and 1 day

Since first day we started operations!

Average annual production of sugar in the world is 170 million tons, about 20% of which is extracted from sugar beet. Iran is ranked twelfth in the world for production of sugar from sugar beet. Eqlid Sugar Complex is handling a large portion of country’s sugar production with an intake capacity of 4,000 tons of sugar beet per day.

Company’s History

Eqlid Sugar Production and Industrial Co (Private Joint Stock) was established in 1966 on a 30-hectar piece of land near the city of Eqlid in Fars Province, Iran and after elaborate economic analysis in the field of production and extraction of sugar from sugar beet.

Factory specifications

The factory has different sections such as: sugar beet depots, weighing station and titration, transfer lines, lime kiln, molasses tanks, steam turbines, raw material storage, produced sugar storage, equipment storage, seeds storage and administration building.
Intake capacity of the factory is 1,800 tons of sugar beet per day and factory can process 180,000 tons of sugar beet in each production season.
In harvest season, factory can take 4,000 tons of sugar beet each day out which, 1,800 tons is consumed for production and the rest is stored for future consumption.
For the purpose of self-sufficiency of the factory, the required electricity is supplied by steam turbines.
A mining unit outfitted and commissioned to extract lime which in addition to supplying factory’s requirement, part of its production is sold to market.
More than 140 hectares of land around the factory have been allocated to cultivation of fruit trees like walnut, almond and apple which in addition to utilizing excess water from factory, results in productive utilization of agriculture lands
With the aim of improving workforce’s productivity, a building with 6 independent suites have been allocated as guesthouse to accommodate factory guests as well as 40 residential units for accommodation of managers and some personnel.
For the purpose of maximum utilization of factory resources, an ostrich farming unit and light livestock farm has been built on company’s acquired lands which is currently under operation.

Eqlid sugar at a glance

Eqlid Sugar Organizational Chart

Shareholder Structure

Shareholder name

Ownership Percentage

Exon Agro-industry Company


Exon Shipping Company


Turan Trading Company Marz Pol


Other real shareholders



Exon Agro-industry Company

Exon Agro-industry Company

61.29 %

Exon Shipping Company

Exon Shipping Company

10.17 %

Turan Trading Company Marz Pol

Turan Trading Company Marz Pol

4 %

Other real shareholders

Other real shareholders

24.54 %

Introducing the managers

Managing Director

Managing Director

Mr. Ardavan Zia Bakhsh Deilami
Born in: 1321
Work Experience: 18 years working in Eqlid Sugar
Degree: PhD in Management

Mission and Vision

visions :
We are different. Our looks, our tastes and even our decisions. But we are committed to sweeten the taste of our customers with our sweet products and linger in their minds.

 missions : 

  • Being among the top 3 sugar producing brands in terms of product quality
  • The least environment pollution and commitment to sustainable development in all stages
  • Increasing productivity in cultivation by scientific and practical empowerment of farmers
  • Reducing waste by concentration on production of byproducts


Selected Development Projects

Eqlid Sugar Factory has designed development programs in various fields in order to further develop and continue its growing movement

Connecting the factory to the country's rail network

In order to increase the speed of transfer of raw materials to the factory and products to the consumer market and also reduce the cost of products, Eghlid Sugar Factory intends to construct its own railroad from Eqlid City Station to the factory and take an effective step to improve the supply chain by utilizing the rail fleet.


Increase production capacity

In order to be more productive, the factory managers intend to increase the production capacity of the factory from 1800 tons to 4000 tons per day, in this regard, the necessary measures are being taken to design and upgrade the production line

Construction of new warehouses and silos

According to the company's plans to increase production capacity, the construction of new and modern warehouses and silos for optimal and long-term storage of raw materials and products is inevitable

Production of new products

As the taste of consumers is changing and changing every day, the market research and development unit in Eqlid Sugar Factory is constantly evaluating and analyzing market information and designing new products needed by consumers, including programs such as sugar production. Brown with special features and production in various packages and different weights is one of the priorities for the development of factory products

Creating new production lines

According to the needs of the market, the company intends to produce various by-products such as animal feed, alcohol, etc., using molasses and sugar beet pulp extracted from its production process

Our standards